Lifestyle Changes

Many peer review studies and papers have been written underpinning the importance of positive Lifestyle Changes to improve hair condition, growth and conversely diminish hair loss. below is a summary of the most important.

1. Eat a well balanced diet and in particular avoid highly processed carbohydrate diets which induces release of insulin from the pancreas. The release of insulin stimulates an increase in free testosterone levels and concomitantly increases DHT levels resulting in hair loss.

2. Get your body fit and active. The middle age spread can lead to insulin resistance as sugar uptake becomes impaired, consequentially output of insulin is increased to deal with poor sugar control, this becomes a downward spiral cascading into increasing levels insulin, free testosterone, DHT and ultimately hair loss.

3. Get your mind fit and active. Reduce stress levels as increased cortisol levels, a stress hormone, has been identified as a modulator of hair loss, and in conjunction with other substances can cause depigmentation of hair follicles (turning grey).

4. Smoking, avoid or stop! Smoking accelerates hair loss.

5. Consider further dietary supplementation.

6. Manage reversible causes such as hair loss due to dandruff or fungal scalp irritations, with topical antifungal shampoos.