Hair Transplants

Hair Transplants for a Confident New You

Advanced stages of hair loss poorly responding to pharmaceutical management or non surgical hair growth treatments may be more suitable for a surgical solution called a Hair Transplant.

At The Hair Clinic we have established a strong cohesive partnership and work in unison with the Leading Hair Transplant Clinic Group in Australia, who are now in Auckland New Zealand with highly credentialed doctors and nurses seeing patients and performing quality Hair Transplants.

We refer our patients who we consider suitable to our surgical partners for hair transplants to help our patients regain a fuller, natural-looking head of hair.

Our referral is grounded in the qualifications, quality of service, and positive outcomes for our patients. We value our patients and their trust, and we only refer to our partners whose skills and competencies we firmly believe in.

Don't let hair loss hold you back – take the first step toward a more confident version of yourself.

Advanced Hair Transplant NZ - Innovative Solutions for Hair Loss

A Hair Transplant surgery involves transplanting hair follicles from one part of the donor’s scalp (usually the back of the head) to areas experiencing thinning or baldness on the recipient’s scalp.

In New Zealand, the technology for Hair Transplants has progressed significantly over the years. From the early days of punch grafts to the modern techniques like Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), the focus has been on achieving natural-looking results and minimising scarring. Whether choosing FUT or FUE, the graft placement follows the natural growth pattern of the patient's hair, ensuring a seamless and natural appearance.

Our surgical partner employs these advanced techniques, customising their approach to each individual's case for hair loss treatment in NZ to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Book your consultation with Dr Mark Morunga today. He will assess your hair loss pattern to determine your suitability for a transplant. If he thinks that a transplant is necessary, you’ll be referred to our surgical partner for the procedure.

Post-Transplant Recovery and Aftercare Tips

To ensure the success of the procedure, post-transplant care plays a crucial role. Your surgeon will provide you with thorough aftercare instructions to facilitate proper healing of the transplanted area. However, patience is key for the best results, allowing the newly transplanted hair follicles to establish themselves effectively.

  • Schedule follow-up visits with your surgeon to monitor progress and address any concerns.
  • Setting realistic expectations is key. While Hair Transplant can produce remarkable results, it's important to have a clear understanding of what the procedure can achieve. Factors like hair texture, density, and individual healing processes play a role in the final outcome.
  • A Hair Transplant is not just a one-time procedure; it's a journey towards long-term hair health. Regular follow-up treatments, including PRP, may be recommended to maintain the vitality of the transplanted hair and the overall health of the scalp.

Pair Your Hair Transplant with PRP Therapy for Better Results

It’s important to keep in mind that Hair Transplant surgery doesn't yield immediate results, as the transplanted hairs require time to settle in your scalp before new growth occurs. For those seeking quicker outcomes, combining platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy with your hair transplantation surgery is recommended. This combination expedites the healing process and promotes maximum hair growth.

PRP treatment involves using the patient's blood plasma enriched with platelets to promote healing and hair growth in the transplanted area. Integrating PRP treatments with Hair Transplant procedures may significantly enhance the results.

The growth factors in PRP accelerate the healing process and stimulate the transplanted follicles, leading to denser, fuller hair growth. This combination approach has proven highly effective in our clinic, with many patients witnessing remarkable improvements.

Why Choose The Hair Clinic for PRP

Our clinic’s decade-long experience in PRP treatments gives us a unique edge in hair transplantation stimulation and maintenance. Our team is skilled in PRP techniques and understands the science of hair growth and regeneration, ensuring that you receive the most comprehensive care.

More Than Just Hair Restoration

At The Hair Clinic, our focus extends beyond the physical aspects of hair restoration. We understand that hair loss can significantly affect an individual's self-esteem and confidence. We aim to restore hair through successful hair treatments and boost overall self-confidence, positively impacting our clients' lives.

Through our holistic approach to hair restoration, each treatment plan is tailored to the individual, ensuring personalised care that goes beyond technical procedures. Our team emphasises understanding and addressing the emotional aspects associated with hair loss.

Our process includes comprehensive consultations and detailed aftercare, focusing on long-term results and client well-being.

At The Hair Clinic, we're committed to delivering solutions that contribute to improved appearances and enhanced quality of life for our patients.

Join Us on Your Hair Restoration Journey

Hair transplantation is more than a cosmetic procedure; it's a comprehensive approach to hair restoration. Combining this advanced surgical treatment with the regenerative power of PRP therapy may significantly improve hair transplant outcomes.

Our commitment to excellence, combined with expertise in PRP treatments, positions us to offer you a level of care and results that stand out in the field of hair restoration.

Book Your Pre-Transplant Consultation with Dr Mark Morunga today.

He will assess your hair loss pattern to determine your suitability for a transplant. If he thinks that a transplant is necessary, you’ll be referred to our surgical partner for the procedure.